
platformOS Status Report — June 12, 2023

Agnes Kanizsai | June 12, 2023

platformOS Status Report — June 12, 2023

platformOS DesignKit - updates!

In our last status report we were happy to inform you about the first version of the platformOS DesignKit, and about the related documentation. Now we can share some exciting new updates with you in the DesignKit. 

The following New Community related screens have been added to the template pages:

  • Events related ones:

    • Event listing

    • Event details screen

    • Create and manage event screens

  • Member listing page

  • Invite new member to a group flow

While the Existing Community pages have got updates, as well. 

  • Activity feed

  • Profile activity

  • User profile

  • Edit profile

  • Groups listing

  • Group feed

  • Community admin screens.

We added new components and variants:

  • to the Base theme: 

    • scrollbar components 

    • pop ups

    • file upload fields

  • on Base theme pages

    • unify TABS

    • File upload fields 

    • Sorting and filtering 

Check out the updates in the Base theme. 

  • DocsKit light theme 

platformOS DocsKit - coming soon! 

Inspired by our multi-award winning documentation site, we are building the platformOS DocsKit, a documentation package that provides everything you need to build best practice documentation sites for your projects: 

  • a Docs as Code documentation solution

  • three fully customizable themes to choose from 

  • editorial workflow

  • templates for different content types

  • comprehensive how-to documentation for using the DocsKit

The platformOS DocsKit is a highly customizable documentation site template built on Gatsby and powered by our Static Site Hosting solution.

With automatic navigation, breadcrumbs, and a mobile-friendly base theme, DocsKit turns your Markdown documentation files into an accessible, SEO-friendly documentation site with a perfect Google Lighthouse score.

Main features:

  • Markdown support

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

  • Automatic generation of page navigation, breadcrumbs, and table of contents

  • Automatic image optimization

  • Customizable responsive themes

  • Pre-built components to enhance your markdown documentation

  • Support for shared content snippets

To give you all a little sneak peek, we show you the Light theme developed for the DocsKit:

DocsKit home page and inner page screenshots

The DocsKit Light theme

We used DocsKit to build the first documentation site for the Department of Buildings (DOB) of Washington, DC. More to come! 

DOB documentation screenshots and 100/100 Google Lighthouse scores

Documentation site built on DocsKit — helping people apply for a Certificate of Occupancy in Washington, DC

We are planning to launch the first version of the DocsKit (solution, themes, documentation, supporting materials) in July. 

platformOS Documentation

( Vector DB support for AI, is at the top of the Roadmap list!!)

  • UPDATED Using Websockets with platformOS

    • added documentation for GraphQL mutation to broadcast to a channel and a room

    • Added documentation for employing Cross-Site Request Forgery token validation

  • UPDATED config.yml - added documentation for modules_that_allow_delete_on_deploy flag

  • IN PROGRESS Get Started guide testing and updates


To learn more about the most recent changes, improvements and fixes in platformOS, check out our latest release notes: 

platformOS Release Note 28 April, 2023 – admin_page_update_all mutation, fixes and improvements

platformOS Release Note 26 May, 2023 – WebSockets broadcast mutation and performance improvements


  • Unescape Javascript filter

  • admin_page_update_all mutation

  • Liquid: add hash_keys and hash_values filters

  • Slugify fixes and encoding filters

  • Sync true for partial and layout delete all

  • Liquid: add www_form_encode filter

  • Allow to delete on deploy and sync

  • WebSockets broadcast mutation ( channel_send_message )


  • Intercept open and write timeout errors

  • Always raise errors inside try


  • Liquid: add sanitize option to to_csv filter

  • Liquid: set session timeout via sign_in tag

  • Websockets: require csrf token

  • Added invisible for hcaptcha spam_protection_tag

  • Order pages by redirect_to, redirect_code

  • Preserve JSON for to_csv

  • GraphQL: records_create add table to return type

  • Filter pages by redirect code

  • GraphQL activities add sort

  • Allow include/render/function in local remote

  • Allow to specify layout as liquid

  • Make params available in auth policy for local page request and context in page

  • Do not run unnecessary count or select based on graphQL (performance)

  • Use value instead of value in if in one element (performance)

  • Filter pages by authorization policies

  • Better route matching for local endpoints, including named parameters allowed

  • Sanitize filter allow tel and sms links

  • Allow custom html attributes for hCaptcha to enable other hCaptcha features

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