
University of Szeged and platformOS Forge Exciting Partnership

Diana Lakatos | April 15, 2024

University of Szeged and platformOS Forge Exciting Partnership

We are thrilled to announce an exciting collaboration between platformOS and the prestigious University of Szeged. This partnership opens up a world of opportunities for students and professionals, fostering innovation, learning, growth, and real-world skills.

At the kick-off of this collaboration, platformOS Founder and CEO, Adam Broadway, delivered an inspiring presentation at the University of Szeged. The turnout was remarkable, with numerous students eager to hear about Adam's entrepreneurial journey and gain insights from his wealth of experience. 

Adam Boadway holding a presentation in front of many students of the University of Szeged

The session proved to be a captivating exploration of entrepreneurship, filled with invaluable lessons learned along the way. What truly stood out was the vibrant engagement of the audience, evidenced by a dynamic exchange of ideas and thought-provoking questions. 

Even after the formal session concluded, students continued to engage with Adam, seizing the opportunity for further discussion and mentorship.

Adam taking a selfie with many students in the background

As the next step, platformOS will be integrated into the curriculum at the University of Szeged starting from September. 

Through a dedicated course led by expert lecturers from the platformOS team, students will have the unique opportunity to delve deep into the intricacies of a real-world commercially adopted platform, gaining hands-on experience and invaluable insights that will prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow's digital landscape.

In addition to our academic integration, platformOS is delighted to join forces with the University of Szeged and origin/develop agency, via our internship program

This initiative provides students with the chance to apply their theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting, working alongside our team of experts and gaining invaluable industry experience. 

This collaboration marks the beginning of an exciting journey filled with boundless possibilities. Together, platformOS and the University of Szeged are committed to nurturing talent, fostering innovation, and setting up students for success in their life's journey. We look forward to the many achievements and discoveries that lie ahead as we embark on this collaborative endeavor.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments as we continue to build bridges between academia and industry, empowering the next generation of digital innovators.

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