Town Hall

Next Town Hall Meeting: TBD

Last Town Hall (#88)

The platformOS Community - Q&A and Instant Messaging

Sign Up To platformOS Town Hall

Where you'll connect with other platformOS community members to learn and share everything from closing bigger deals, to latest best practice web standards and SEO techniques.

Past Town Halls


Just a note for anyone who has joined the community recently. We have our community resources and some refreshments available on Airtable.

On the Airtable app, you'll find:

  • A directory of some of the partners in the group
  • An event calendar, including all the Town Hall meetings
  • Community projects that you can participate in
  • The beginnings of a Q&A knowledge base
  • A place to report bugs and list feature requests
  • And a list of other resources available to help

You’re invited to participate, learn, contribute and grow with us!

Visit the Airtable app!