
platformOS has invested heavily in its Information Security Management System (ISMS) and built a set of security policies and processes to protect your data and assets.

Multiple network abstraction layers for isolation

All layers of physical and software based frameworks have their own unique access control and keys.

There are NO shared keys across server environments.

Co-located data centers

platformOS has global coverage and can deploy on virtually all AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud regions.

This has also positive performance consequences.

Third party penetration testing

Our infrastructure is tested monthly and on an ad-hoc basis by Enterprise Penetration services.

Clients are also encouraged to perform their own audits.

Where load testing is required, we encourage you to contact our team to ensure development, staging or QA end points are provisioned appropriately.

Virus and malware scanning

We use the certified scanning software which runs in the background to mitigate against virus and malware.

This is a constant service for files uploaded in the context of the website provisioned.

IaaS Security best practice

platformOS has invested heavily into its information Security Management System (ISMS) and built a set of security policies and process to protect your data and assets.

Separation of network segments protected via Web Application Firewalls, DDOS countermeasures, Databases within separate networks without any direct access to the web. These are just a few of the best practice approaches we use.

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