Blog: Collaborative Economy
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Platforms for Future Podcast: How to Leverage Communities to Unlock Network Effects
Platforms for Future podcast interview with platformOS founder and CEO Adam Broadway, about his experience building complex platforms and marketplaces and the power of communities of practice to drive same-side network effects.
January 19, 2021

Transcending the COVID-19 Crisis through Human-Centered Strategy
Dan King and Leeza McKeown from Fireside Strategic invited our founder and CEO Adam Broadway to their Fireside chat series where they are on a mission to talk with business leaders who achieve great results through human-centered strategy.
May 27, 2020
SharersTalks: Activating Co-Spaces in the Sharing Economy
What happens when you get some of the most passionate people about co-spaces in the same room? Magic.
August 22, 2018

Should Your Marketplace Use the Gig Economy?
What exactly is the “Gig Economy”? This widely popular term has grown as permanent jobs are much harder to come by. According to Techtarget, the gig economy is “an environment in which temporary positions are common and organizations with independent workers for short-term engagements”.
March 6, 2017

Community-Based Marketplaces Defend Against Tech “Apocalypse”
In the days of everyone needing a “side hustle,” many feel like the American dream has failed us. Matt Ruby gives a hilariously accurate description of our complete consumption by technology in his recent article for Medium. But “the sharing economy” he critiques isn’t all about lining shareholders’ pockets.
January 19, 2017

10 Collaborative Economy Books to Give for The Holidays
Don't know what to get that special entrepreneur in your life this holiday season? Look no further! These 10 collaborative economy books are the perfect gift idea for anyone looking to start a business in 2017.
December 13, 2016

3 Tips for Using the Collaborative Economy for Business Travel
In the era of ubernomics, more and more business travelers are using the collaborative economy to save money and have a local experience. Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using peer-to-peer services on your next business trip.
November 23, 2016

A Tip From LinkedIn - Create A Marketplace For The Gig Economy
Flexibility, freedom and no long-term commitments. No, I’m not talking about choosing a wireless provider. I’m talking about the gig economy and its ability to improve work-life balance. Many enterprise brands have realized the potential behind developing marketplaces to cater to this raising subset of workers -- the most recent of which is LinkedIn.
August 29, 2016