Blog: Performance
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platformOS Status Report — November 21, 2024
DocsKit partnership update, update from UX: Client Engagement Document, pOS Course at University of Szeged, and our latest release notes.
November 21, 2024

How We Achieved a 7x Speed-Up of Our Webpack (TailwindCSS) Build
How we fiddled around and found gains in various places that added up to 52 seconds of savings for every build.
April 7, 2021

The 6 Pitfalls of Turnkey Marketplace Solutions You Can Avoid by Building on platformOS
CobbleWeb recently published an article where they outlined pitfalls concealed in off-the-shelf and plug-and-play marketplace solutions. This article describes our take on all the pain points their article explored.
March 31, 2021

platformOS Documentation Site Webpack Setup
Webpack is a powerful tool. Back in the day, it had a reputation of being hard to learn and hard to use. Nowadays, it has excellent documentation, sensible defaults, plugins, and loader — all this to help you keep your config small while achieving great results. This article describes how we set up webpack on our documentation site.
December 4, 2020

Using WebP in Your Existing Webpage
We added WebP versions of the biggest images in one of our projects. Learn about how much we saved.
November 19, 2020

Should You Always Care about Your Website Size?
When is it worth reducing your website size? Learn about how TCP round trips work through our experiment of reducing the size of our documentation site.
November 18, 2020

3 Performance Tips for Your Next Project
Tips for making your process more refined and predictable when it comes to starting, developing, and maintaining fast websites.
July 6, 2020

The Ten Commandments of Web Performance
Follow these commandments and your website will not be remembered as slow.
June 25, 2020