
Seamless Integration of AWS in Marketplaces Seamless Integration of AWS in Marketplaces

Seamless Integration of AWS in Marketplaces

In my previous blogs, I’ve discussed the importance of establishing your own Domain SSL certificate for a trusted marketplace. Briefly speaking, for safer transactions between a server and browser, SSL certificate provides a certain integrity in the trading community.

October 7, 2016

DNS / Load Balancer and SSL Now Integrated Into Near Me Marketplaces DNS / Load Balancer and SSL Now Integrated Into Near Me Marketplaces

DNS / Load Balancer and SSL Now Integrated Into Near Me Marketplaces

In my previous blog, I’d spoken about the three important elements that go hand in hand for building a secure and scalable marketplace. Now that Near Me has  integrated AWS Route 53, your out-of-the-box DNS management, SSL security and Scaling has never been better.

August 2, 2016

Near Me - Your Streamlined Marketplace Service Provider Near Me - Your Streamlined Marketplace Service Provider

Near Me - Your Streamlined Marketplace Service Provider

AWS and Near Me SSL Certificate Manager integration

In our previous blog, we adopted an aerial perspective with regards to the juggle that is DNS-Elastic Load Balancer- SSL certificate. Try saying that three times fast!

June 17, 2016

The Good, The Slow and the Outdated: Features of a Marketplace The Good, The Slow and the Outdated: Features of a Marketplace

The Good, The Slow and the Outdated: Features of a Marketplace

Let’s get started with the first step towards authenticating sellers/users/MPO’s. Near Me seamlessly integrates Checkr for automating background checks. This helps in maintaining organic records and data within the Marketplace.

May 17, 2016

The Backend Jedi: Magic Behind Marketplaces! The Backend Jedi: Magic Behind Marketplaces!

The Backend Jedi: Magic Behind Marketplaces!

The backend of Near Me is built on the cohesive combination of DNS, SSL elastic load balancers and application servers. Let me break up these heavy words into simpler terms: without DNS, the Internet as we know it today, would collapse. Engineering in the modern day is perceived to be extremely fast-paced, from sending emails to news, retail to music, and everything that we imagine is so...

March 18, 2016