
We Are Switching From TestCafe to CodeceptJS – Here’s Why We Are Switching From TestCafe to CodeceptJS – Here’s Why

We Are Switching From TestCafe to CodeceptJS – Here’s Why

Even though we have been happy with TestCafe, last year when I stumbled upon a new contender, CodeceptJS, I decided to give it a shot. It delivered excellent developer performance, so we dived deeper and expanded our test suites to include some more test cases.

September 27, 2021

How to Test Slack Notifications How to Test Slack Notifications

How to Test Slack Notifications

We integrated our contact page with Slack, HubSpot, SendGrid, and emails. One day we received the email, but the Slack notification did not come through — this article describes how we now test Slack notifications using TestCafe.

November 26, 2020

QA and Testing Best Practices — Part 4: Performance Testing QA and Testing Best Practices — Part 4: Performance Testing

QA and Testing Best Practices — Part 4: Performance Testing

Welcome to part 4 of our QA and Testing Best Practices series where we delve into testing performance using TestCafe.

May 17, 2019

QA and Testing Best Practices - Part 1: Our QA Process QA and Testing Best Practices - Part 1: Our QA Process

QA and Testing Best Practices - Part 1: Our QA Process

An in-depth look behind the scenes of our QA process including how we built and refined our process, the approaches we follow, and the tools we use.

April 2, 2019