
platformOS Standardization, “The Golden Platform" Webinar platformOS Standardization, “The Golden Platform" Webinar

platformOS Standardization, “The Golden Platform" Webinar

Watch the recording of our latest webinar to learn about the platformOS standardisation initiative, "The Golden Platform".

August 19, 2022

The Ten Commandments of Web Performance The Ten Commandments of Web Performance

The Ten Commandments of Web Performance

Follow these commandments and your website will not be remembered as slow.

June 25, 2020

3 Tips on Preserving Website Speed 3 Tips on Preserving Website Speed

3 Tips on Preserving Website Speed

Performance optimization is one of the best (if not the best) ways of making your website make more money.

June 19, 2020

Speeding Up - Part 2: Main CSS Splitting Speeding Up - Part 2: Main CSS Splitting

Speeding Up - Part 2: Main CSS Splitting

Welcome to part 2 of this series, where I dive into the main CSS file and see what I can do to make it lighter and load more efficiently.

June 9, 2020

Speeding Up - Part 1: Images and JS Minification Speeding Up - Part 1:  Images and JS Minification

Speeding Up - Part 1: Images and JS Minification

How I managed to speed up time to interactive from over 17 seconds to around 4 seconds by removing unnecessary things and optimizing assets delivery on

June 1, 2020

DNS / Load Balancer and SSL Now Integrated Into Near Me Marketplaces DNS / Load Balancer and SSL Now Integrated Into Near Me Marketplaces

DNS / Load Balancer and SSL Now Integrated Into Near Me Marketplaces

In my previous blog, I’d spoken about the three important elements that go hand in hand for building a secure and scalable marketplace. Now that Near Me has  integrated AWS Route 53, your out-of-the-box DNS management, SSL security and Scaling has never been better.

August 2, 2016

The Good, The Slow and the Outdated: Features of a Marketplace The Good, The Slow and the Outdated: Features of a Marketplace

The Good, The Slow and the Outdated: Features of a Marketplace

Let’s get started with the first step towards authenticating sellers/users/MPO’s. Near Me seamlessly integrates Checkr for automating background checks. This helps in maintaining organic records and data within the Marketplace.

May 17, 2016